How to Make a Python host ...

Hello. Today we are going to make a Python up/down host checker "How to Make a Python host checker for Linux" that works on Linux only.You are going to need:     – Python 3.4     – Internet Connection     – Computer with Windows or LinuxIf you haven't got...

Increase Wifi Signal Stren...

This week I just learn and try the new wi-fi device, and of course also testing their durability (maximize the warranty time 😛 ). Today we will learn together how to Increase Wifi Signal Strength Tx-Power on Kali Linux, actually you can do this on other Linux distro as well, but in this article we will do on a Kali Linux.The default Tx-Power of wireless is...

Invisibly Execute BAT File...

The story above is my personal experience while dealing with BAT script. A hacker also sometimes need to hide their script in the background, because they don't want the victim become suspicious if something popped out in their window, since any command prompt window will be visible until the .BAT/.CMD file execution is complete.Requirement:1. Notepad...

How To Install Wireshark O...

Today we will cover something light about our tutorial, it's about How to Install Wireshark on Windows. The purpose of this article is to guide some readers who are very new to the computer field especially hacking. If you already know how to install this tool, you can dismiss this and ready for our next more interesting hacking articlesWhat is Wireshark?...