How to Install SugarCRM on...

Our tutorial for today is How to Install SugarCRM on Centos 7 in Simple Steps. SugarCRM Community Edition is a free and open source web-based customer relationship management software written in PHP. Customer Relations Management is a main component to any business with customer support, marketing and sales. SugarCRM is used to track customer orders and billing...

Information Gathering usin...

Today we will learn about Information Gathering using theHarvester in Kali Linux. Good information gathering can make the difference between a successful penetration test and one that has failed to provide maximum benefit to the client.TheHarvester has been developed in Python by Christian Martorella. It is a tool which provides us information about e-mail...

3 Steps to Show Hidden Fil...

We do believe that everyone have experience with computer viruses and most of it is bad experience. Today we will share 3 Steps to Show Hidden Files Caused by Virus Infections. This tips and trick purpose is to help you who have difficulties showing hidden files because of virus infection.This tips and trick is for Windows users, because most virus in the wild...

Shutdown Windows 7 Remotel...

When you read the title, Shutdown Windows 7 Remotely, you may have been reminded of the infamous Windows 2000 shutdown feature. I remember back during my bachelor when it came time for computer class to begin, a shutdown war would start among the students by typing:shutdown <ip_address> /y /c "Hey quick type shutdown /a to prevent this...

Windows 7 Chat How to

I believe many of you know the net send messenger service in Windows XP where between computer that running Windows XP can chat together using command prompt. This simple tips and tricks will explain about Windows 7 chat how to?As we know that The Messenger Service is no longer supported from Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008; instead it was...

Create Bootable USB Kali L...

Almost one month busy doing ABC's thing, today we will continue with our tips and trick how to create bootable usb kali linux on Windows.I believe most of you maybe already know how to create a bootable usb, but let me do some enlightenment for they who haven't know how to create bootable usb kali linux on Windows.We can use this method not only for...

Split Kali Linux Terminal ...

Today we will learn something light and easy about how to split kali linux terminal window. This tips and trick will useful when we want to run many process and we can monitor all of the process state in the same window.This is the result we want to get in the end of this tips and trick:Requirement:1. Linux TerminalStep by step how to Split Kali...

How To Change MAC Address ...

After our previous tips and trick about how to change MAC address on Windows, now we will learn about the same topic How to Change MAC Address on Kali Linux.Changing MAC address or we also can call it MAC address spoofing will be useful in some cases, but we will talk about it later in conclusion at the end of this article.Requirement:1. Linux...

10 Useful RUN Commands on ...

Back again with our tips and trick, now we will learn about simple tips and trick 10 Useful RUN Commands on Windows. We believe most of users who read this article already know or maybe use the run feature on Windows (usually used to run a command prompt by typing cmd).If you just learn about computer and still confuse about run command, according to Wikipedia...

How to do Network Mapping ...

How to do Network Mapping using Traceroute? is it possible to map the network only by using the traceroute?the answer is yes 🙂Network mapping is interesting because we will try to draw the computer network only from a data that we received from a command line.According to wikipedia:Network mapping is the study of the physical connectivity of...

How to Reveal Asterisks Pa...

There's a funny story behind this tips and trick How to Reveal Asterisks Password on Log In Page. Today tips and trick content will be lighter than the others 🙂It was back when I'm in university, I go to one of my friend apartment (she's a girl) to make a homework together with some other friends. That time I didn't bring my laptop so I just...

How to Change MAC Address ...

Today we will learn How to Change MAC Address on Windows without using a tool. This tips and trick come after someone asking about How to Change MAC Address in Windows on our request tutorial page.what is MAC address? Wikipedia says:A media access control address (MAC address) is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on the...

3 Steps How to Change Kali...

Back again with the simple tips and trick, again this post came out after question How to Change Kali Linux Screen Resolution on Virtual Box. Some of you maybe asking why my question are unanswered?we're still limited human 🙂 sorry if we can't reply or make your requests in a tutorial section.For you who still don't know about what is Kali Linux,...