Change Screen Resolution i...

How to Change Screen Resolution in Backtrack 4?Below is the tips and trick how to fix it.This is my Operating System inside my Virtual Box. I really like virtualization for my experiment, because it's not harm anyone and also yourself. You can use VirtualBox for your virtualization solution, as long as using this application, there's no such problem...

How To Get Email Address F...

Type : Tutorial, Tips and TrickLevel : EasyWhy my inbox mail is have a lot of email that I don't want? how they know my email address so they can sending me some ads to my email address?or even they can send me some fake email address? Actually this method below is usually used by spammers to get an email address and also other people will use Email...

How to Redirect 404 Not Fo...

The following How to Redirect 404 Not Found Page in WordPress is a simple tips and trick for your wordpress page redirection.Usually when someone is playing too much with their blog and modified the permalink this could be happen you will lost a few of your page. 404 page also can be happen when you're accidentally delete your posts but you already...

Privilege Escalation from ...

Type : Tips and TricksLevel : Easyday(Zeroday)For some people like me, I think we will have a lot of password, from Facebook, yahoo, google, twitter, foursquare, digg, etc…etc. When we're remembering all of that password, we also must remember our PC/Laptop password. In the facts there's a few people accidentally forget their Windows...

How to Delete Browser Cook...

The Following tips and trick How to Delete Browser Cookies Cache and History is a simple tips and trick to secure your browsing experience.Maybe a few people a little bit confused when they are hearing about how to prevent attack from session sidejacking, because session sidejacking cannot be anticipated in a usual way. The prevention should come from the...

Access Blocked Websites In...

For people like me, internet is looks like a breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even sometimes internet looks like clothes, everyday you use it and you only release it when you go to sleep 🙂 LoL. Now I live in China where every packet data sent to the internet will be analyzed by government and you cannot access some website that blocked by government. This is great,...

Adobe Flash Player ActiveX...

Today when I'm trying to install Adobe Flash Player ActiveX 9 for some application, there's an error expected error 1904 C:\Windows\syswow64\macromed\flash\flash9d.ocx failed to register. HRESULT 2147220473 really confused, because I didn't know why this is happen. FYI I use Windows 7 64-bit. After trying about 3 hours (it waste my time so much) finally...

Blacksheep Countermeasure ...

A few days ago I write in my blog about Firesheep HTTP Session Hijacking Tools, and now there’s another tools to countermeasure this type of attack. A free Firefox plugin called BlackSheep, which serves as a counter-measure. BlackSheep combats Firesheep by monitoring traffic and then alerting users if Firesheep is being used on the network. BlackSheep does this by...

Generate Rainbow Table Usi...

Type : TutorialLevel : Beginner, Medium, AdvancedIn this Generate Rainbow Table Using WinRTGen tutorial, we will learn how to generate rainbow table using WinRTGen. Rainbow tables usually used to crack a lot of hash types such as NTLM, MD5, SHA1. This tools will create a large dictionary to crack a lot of hash type. I used this tables to crack some password...

2 Steps Automatically Shut...

Sometimes we need to automatically shutdown the computer when we're not in the desk. This 2 Steps Automatically Shutdown Computer method also needed when we want to sleep, but we want the computer turned off at a specified time we provide.1. Click Run(view here)2. Add in the textbox shutdown /s /f /t 3600Notes :/s = We want to Shutdown the...

How to View Hidden Files o...

How to View Hidden Files or Directory Permanently in Windows XPorHow to view hidden files in Windows 7"What is the advantage to view my hidden files or my system files?"Virus usually hiding themselves into a hidden files or sometimes system files, sometimes a virus will hide your important file or even change your data into hidden files...

16 Steps Tutorial Basic Co...

In this tips and trick, we will learn how easy the basic command prompt in 16 Steps Tutorial Basic Command Prompt.Some people says "Oh no, command prompt is make me headache, because it's only black and white screen with text".🙂 I dont think Command Prompt is horrible like that :p you can learn command prompt in an easy way. Learning from...

13 Important Keyboard Shor...

This article 13 Important Keyboard Shortcut in Windows is some sort of the available shortcut. What do you think the most important keyboard shortcut in Microsoft Windows?The 13 Important Keyboard Shortcut in Windows You Must Know below is just my opinion, but if you think there are something missing maybe I can add it later 🙂1. View desktop+...