Easy Drag and Drop File Up...

Dropzone.js is a JavaScript library that simplifies creating a drag and drop file uploads functionality. It works with jQuery and works almost out-of-the-box by giving a special class name to any form. Multiple files can be uploaded at the same time where image previews can be displayed as well.There are also options for defining the maximum file size, thumbnail...

JavaScript Tooltips Framew...

Javascript Tooltips Framework are so useful in informing users when needed without the need for a design challenge as they work well with any layout. Opentip is a beautiful JavaScript tooltips framework that can work with jQuery, Prototype or standalone. It creates the tooltips with HTML5 canvas so that any creative designs are possible and tooltips are rendered...

10 Best Jquery Navigation ...

Navigation menus have really important role in any website. It can make a new experience for the user and related to make the user feel easy when they surf our website. That’s why I present to You 10 jquery navigation menu examples for every need.1. Jquery OS X Stack and Drop Stack Source   Demo 2. Fisheye Navigation...

13 Most Useful Jquery Effe...

jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. Nowadays to build an interesting website does not have to be difficult, just see the example below and match with your website need and your website ready to get a professional touch looks like :-). 1....

Looping Element Using Jque...

Looping Element Using Jquery, after Googling for a long time (it takes about 12 hours) finally I find  that Jquery can looping the element on the Jquery object target. The Jquery library provides a method called each(), which will loop all of your element of the target. I find at this website about how to use this each() method. Below is the example ://...