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Earn money online

Well more than 300,000 people visit Hacking-tutorial.com every month. We launched Hacking-tutorial.com back in 2007. If you are an experience users or expert at anything to do with: Hacking, Networking, Windows or Linux, Servers, Programming, Phone (iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, etc), PoC, Scripting and other topics related with hacking and technology we would love to pay you to write for us.

We pay $3 to $30 depend with your article or news.


Every article you write will be published under your name or nickname. Each writer has a authors box which shows your name and bio. It will be sent to more than 40,000’s of people via our mailing list and social media accounts.

What we publish

We accept submissions for original articles only. These typically run between 1,500 and 2,000 words for article and tutorial; and minimum 500 words for latest news. We do not publish anything that’s been published elsewhere (including on your blog).

You may submit a rough draft, a partial draft, or a short pitch (a paragraph or two summarizing your argument and why it’s important to our readers) paired with an outline. The more complete your submission is, the better feedback we can give you.

Please don’t send us press releases or sales pitches. They make us feel sad inside.

How to submit (and what happens next)

Email us (info[a]hacking-tutorial.com) your submission. We accept:

  • Plain text
  • Google Docs
  • Microsoft Word

Here’s what happens after you hit send:

  • Our team will review your submission and determine whether it’s a potential fit. If so, the whole team will review and discuss it. This typically happens once a week.
  • We will collect the team’s feedback and get back to you with notes. (We rarely accept an article on the first draft, but we’ll tell you if we’re interested.)
  • Once you’ve addressed our comments, you’ll send your revised draft back. We’ll discuss it again and let you know if it’s accepted.

How do we pay you?

We use Paypal, don't forget to send your articles using your Paypal E-mail.