Type : Tips and trick
Level : Easy
This tips and trick I made because a few days ago while I want to test an external exploit with ruby extension .rb I can’t find the folder destination. Usually when you want to add external exploit into your metasploit framework you can copy your external exploit.rb to /pentest/exploit/framework/exploits/modules/. This thing can happen if you do msfupdate for your metasploit framework library, but you can’t find a the latest exploit there and you need to add external exploit from external resource to your Metasploit Framework.
BTW in Backtrack 5R2 the folder structure inside /pentest/exploit folder also changed, you will not find framework/ or framework3/ folder it’s only framework2/ folder. Here’s the screenshot while I do listing folder content inside /pentest/exploit/framework/exploits/.
All contents inside the exploits/ folder was only .pm extension, there’s no .rb extension. FYI : This .pm extension was used in Metasploit Framework v2, because at first time Metasploit Framework developed, they use Perl for the programming language; Metasploit framework changed to Ruby in Framework v3.
I keep searching on /pentest folder, but I found nothing there, especially for an .rb for Ruby extension. After a some time searching the location to add the exploit.rb file to Metasploit Framework finally I found it here :
the folder was changed to /opt/metasploit/msf3/modules/exploit/ and you can just put your external exploit there by choosing which type of exploit first (represent by the folder name).
Hope it’s useful and you didn’t confuse with this change 🙂