How to Hide Hard Drive on Your PC(Computer)?

How to Hide Hard Drive on Your PC(Computer)?


Type : Tips and Trick

Level : Easy

O.S : tested using Windows XP SP3

Have you ever imagine when you open your computer and you didn't find your drives? It should be a little weird, but maybe someone was playing with you when you're not on your computer ๐Ÿ˜› .

In this tips and trick we will learn “How to Hide Hard Drive on your Computer”?. Usually this tips and trick used for more entertainment like make a prank with your friends or colleagues, but more than that it also quite useful for security purposes.

Step by Step :

Here is the first state of my computer before the drive C hidden :

1. Open Run (how to open Run) and type regedit, and then click OK or press ENTER.

How to Hide Hard Drive on Your PC(Computer)?

2. After registry window opened, now go to :


How to Hide Hard Drive on Your PC(Computer)?

3. Now right click in right side pane and create DWORD Value.

How to Hide Hard Drive on Your PC(Computer)?

4. Name the new registry value as "NoDrives".

How to Hide Hard Drive on Your PC(Computer)?

5. Double click on "NoDrives" to enter a Decimal value. This value depends on the drives you wish to hide, and is created by adding the numbers for each drive you wish to hide from the list below. Click OK once you have entered this number.

Drive Letter Value
A 1
B 2
C 4
D 8
E 16
F 32
G 64
H 128
I 256
J 512
K 1024
L 2048
M 4096
N 8192
O 16384
P 32768
Q 65536
R 131072
S 262144
T 524288
U 1048576
V 2097152
W 4194304
X 8388608
Y 16777216
Z 33554432
All Drives 67108863

6. For example, to hide drive C you would enter a decimal value of 4. To hide both drives C and D, you would enter a decimal value of 12 (4 + 8).

How to Hide Hard Drive on Your PC(Computer)?

7. After changes, you need to restart your computer to make it work.. Here is the result:

How to Hide Hard Drive on Your PC(Computer)?

To unhide, just delete the NoDrives in your registry and restart your computer.

Hope it's useful ๐Ÿ™‚

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