How to Open Common Microsoft Windows Office and Browser Applications Faster

How to Open Common Microsoft Windows Office and Browser Applications Faster


Type : Tips and Trick

Level : Very Easy

Sometimes when you need a fast access to a Windows applications in your PC it's a little bit take time a little bit longer. For example if you want to open Microsoft Office Word, you need to click START and then click ALL PROGRAMS and scroll to Microsoft Office folder, there you will find MS Word application.

Some people maybe says "if like that, so why you didn't pin that application in your taskbar?" or "you can create a shortcut in your desktop so your access will be faster".

But for people like me I don't like my taskbar have a lot of stuff or even my desktop have a lot of shortcut icon or file in it. Because in my opinion "my desktop is looks like my house, so I should keep them clean".

In this tips and trick I only wrote for Microsoft Windows Office and some major browser in Microsoft Windows, but you should remember that there's more than what I wrote below.

Microsoft Office

1. + R  and type winword to open Microsoft Office Word

2. + R and type powerpnt to open Microsoft Office Power Point

3. + R and type excel to open Microsoft Office Excel

4. + R and type visio to open Microsoft Office Visio

5. + R and type onenote to open Microsoft Office One Note

6. + R and type msaccess to open Microsoft Office Access

7. + R and type outlook to open Microsoft Office Outlook

8. + R and type groove to open Microsoft  Office Groove

Common Windows Browsers

1. + R and type iexplore to open Microsoft Internet Explorer

2. + R and type firefox to open Mozilla Firefox

3. + R and type chrome to open Google Chrome

4. + R and type opera to open Opera browser

4. + R and type safari to open Safari browser


1. + R and type notepad to open Notepad

2. + R and type wmplayer  to open Microsoft Windows Media Player

3. + R and type photoshop  to open Adobe Photoshop

4. + R and type control to open Control Panel

That's it…actually there's still so many I didn't put here.

if you have the others, you can share here.

Hope you enjoyed 🙂

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