Windows 7 Chat How to

Windows 7 Chat How to


I believe many of you know the net send messenger service in Windows XP where between computer that running Windows XP can chat together using command prompt. This simple tips and tricks will explain about Windows 7 chat how to?

As we know that The Messenger Service is no longer supported from Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008; instead it was replaced with the old MSG.exe.

The Messenger Service was originally designed for use by system administrators to notify Windows users about their networks.


1. Command prompt

2. Windows Vista, Windows 7 or earlier Windows

Windows 7 Chat How to:

1. Because net send was no longer supported, we will use MSG.exe. We will find out the manual how to use MSG.exe by typing msg in our command prompt.

Windows 7 Chat How to

2. The basic command to send message is as follows

msg /SERVER:pc_name session_name your_message

3. To find out pc_name, we can open RUN and type control system

Windows 7 Chat How to

or you want other way more technical by using cmd script

systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"Host Name"

or you can download the following bat script to generate automatically session name and computer name and save it in a text file

Download bat script (only for subscriber)

4. So if I want to send a message containing "Hello" to my other computer named Win7-Pentest-PC

msg /SERVER:Win7-Pentest-PC Win7-Pentest Hello Hacking-tutorial

Here's the result:

Windows 7 Chat How to

5. To send the message with wildcard to all session name we can add * in session name so it become like this:

msg /SERVER:Win7-Pentest-PC * Hello Hacking-tutorial

6. To make the message appear for a specific time:

msg /SERVER:Win7-Pentest-PC Win7-Pentest /TIME:30 Hello Hacking-tutorial

the message will appear for 30 seconds.

View the Video:


1. If you found following error:

Error 5 getting session names

Open registry editor(RUN and type regedit), open HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Serve

Then change the following value:

Name : AllowRemoteRPC
Value : 1

Refresh regedit (click view > refresh) or restart PC.

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